This is a short game about colors, based in the three color models CMY, RGB and RYB.


WASD - Movement of character

Left Mouse Button - Shoot Additive bullet

Middle Mouse Button - Shoot Obtain bullet

Right Mouse Button - Shoot Substractive bullet

Escape Key - Return to main menu

R to reset map

In case you are wondering, this is how the substractive bullet works:

If there is a secondary color (made from mixing two primary colors), whenever you shoot with a bullet which contains one of the two primary colors of the secondary color, it will give out the other primary color.

For example, let's say we have Cyan Color in the RGB room, and Cyan is the combination of Green and Blue.

If you shoot the Cyan color with the green substractive bullet, if will substract Green from Cyan and give away the other primary, blue in this case.

Updated 8 days ago
Tags2D, Physics, Point & Click, Singleplayer

Development log


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The author's first game and their initial game jam experience remind me of myself because it embodies an incredibly original, unique, and genuine concept. I find the game impressive; the idea of mixing colors to advance to the next level, along with its execution, is quite spectacular and entertaining. The only thing missing, which is common in a first jam, is polish and certain aspects. I would love to learn how to play the game gradually, essentially through some sort of guided tutorial. Nonetheless, I must insist, it seems like a game with a very good, unique, and original idea that, if refined and accompanied by a good tutorial, could be a very professional and authorial game. Great game!